A Class Tutors provides academic support services to parents and students across the nation. We understand that each learner is unique and requires individual attention for their developmental growth. Our concession sessions are solely focused on the learner's abilities, thus ensuring solid academic foundations for future knowledge.

Our concession services include scribes, readers, facilitators, and invigilators both in-person and online.

What is a Concession?

Concessions, also known as Access Arrangements within the Cambridge Curriculum, serve as supportive measures aimed at easing the assessment process for individuals facing challenges due to learning barriers. Our Concessions initiative offers vital assistance to children encountering obstacles, enabling them to effectively tackle tests or exams within standard examination parameters. 

By providing this support, we bolster a child's self-assurance and faith in their capabilities, fostering a positive environment for academic achievement.
Student Concession Procedure

Who needs a Concession?

A student who may experience barriers during a test, assessment, or examination. Barriers may be due to any diagnosis that affects the way the child comprehends or processes information, such as ADHD, ADD, Autism, Dyslexia, Physical Impairments, Health Conditions, etc.
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