Founded by young individuals who acknowledged the need for individual attention necessary for significant improvement in learner’s results. We understand that the daily stresses of life can be exhausting for any parent, that is why A Class Tutors has taken it upon themselves to relieve you of the frustration of finding a compatible Tutor or Concession for your child.
A Class Tutors invests in personnel with a multitude of specialised skills and experiences to accommodate all learners, different curriculums, subjects, phases and grades. Our tutors and concessions are carefully handpicked by the Our Team, ensuring the A Class Standard is upheld. By following specialised curriculums, developing customized lessons, and applying a variety of learning techniques and methods, your child is guaranteed to exhibit a boost in confidence and improved academic scores.
Individualized, one-to-one sessions are offered in the comfort of your home, reducing the stresses of an unfamiliar environment while simultaneously enhancing your child’s ability to master new concepts and ultimately igniting their curiosity and aspiration for learning.
A Class Tutors also provides personalized concession services to students who need that 'little-extra.